jtiong.com site, and integration

Well, I’ve got my website slowly being redeveloped into something a little more presentable. I’ve integrated it (very loosely through RSS feed) with my actual blog on svbtle.com

It’s not as prolific a website as Medium.com or Wordpress, and in fact is little more than a blank page and some text input areas, but it serves its purpose as an ongoing always-on blogging service.

You’ll see me doing a lot more updates to this blog now that it’s running, and they’ll be slightly briefer posts, I suppose. For now, I think I’ve found a happy balance between creating my own CMS, and using my existing subscription to svbtle, where content and data are promised to be kept online


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Being a Part of the Cloud

So, primarily to get away from my desktop (see my previous post below) - the solution appears to be resorting to Cloud computing in some shape or form. Gaming Entertainment # The biggest issue currently, that will dissuade me the most... Continue →